A Smarter Learning Suite Guide - Access CPD Training resources

How to access the CPD Learning Suite to find a Webinar recording and complete CPD activities.

NOTE: Access to the Learning Suite is only available to those who hold a current Learn-Subscription for either the CPD Regular, CPD Business or CPD & Support.

The following provides instructions for you to login to the Smarter Platform and find the Learn-training area, where you can locate training resources, CPD Certificates, and access to purchased Courses and CPD Webinars.

There might be times when you are unable to attend a L ive CPD Webinar event. This isn't a problem. As a member, all recordings and any associated support materials such as workbooks, are saved and can be accessed in the Learning Suite Resources Library.

Login to the Smarter Platform

1Login via the Smarter SMSF website here (smartersmsf.com)

2. Select 'Login' and then 'Platform Login'. 

3. Enter your Login details and click on the 'Log-in' button.

You are now logged into the Smarter Platform, arriving at the Dashboard home page.

4. From the 'Learn' menu select 'Webinars'.

You have now arrived at the Smarter Learning Suite Resources Library, defaulting to the Dashboard.

5. From Learn, select theAccess webinars’ button within the Webinars area for you to access the Member's back catalogue library of webinars.

You have now arrived at the resources library of webinars. You can search the back catalogue for a particular webinar or topic. You are able to gain continuing professional development hours (CPD) from the list of SMSF webinar topics. With three easy steps, you are able to obtain a CPD Certificate.

 A. Watch the webinar recording. B. Read the additional materials. C. Complete the CPD assessment quiz.

6. Select the appropriate Webinar recording.

7.A summary of the webinar appears. Select the ‘Course Content’.

Before watching the playback recording, you can access and download a copy of the support materials, such as the slides, checklists or a workbook if any of these have been created for the session. 

8. Click the Materialslink, and download a copy of the slides and the workbook.

9. Click the 'Lessons' link to play the recording.

10. After watching the Webinar, you can select Mark as Complete’. 

A progress bar appears across the top of your screen, indicating 50% complete for watching the recorded webinar, 50% for the assessment quiz.

11. When you are ready, access the Quiz to obtain your CPD hours and Certificate.

There are a number of questions to answer and a time frame to submit your answers, which requires an 80% pass mark. You have 2 attempts to successfully pass the CPD assessment, then a CPD certificate will be automatically generated.

12. Select the 'Start Quiz' button. 

Once your answers have been submitted and confirmed you have passed, a notice of ‘You’ve earned a Certificate' will be created.

13. You can select 'Download Certificate'. 

How to get in touch 

You can get in contact with us:

  •          By telephone on 1300 95 94 76

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