Members Only - Admin Console

Admin Console - Reporting

NOTE: This functionality is only available to those who have a current Smarter Document (Create) Subscription.

The Smarter SMSF document system currently has two options to access the Admin Console, as there is a transition to an enhanced document platform. This is the New Beta document platform. Instructions focusing on the New Beta will follow the original document platform (step 6.).

If you are a Manager or an Administrator within a business, you can view and report the status of SMSF document orders generated by the team. Document orders can have the status of  Saved or Completed.

The  'Parent' (Manager or Administrator) has the authority to view document orders that were created by an authorised staff member 'Child' and were saved pending sign-off and completion of the document order. The 'Child' - staff member may not have the experience to complete the document order. 

Please contact us to arrange any additional team members who require access to this viewing structure (i.e. Parent view). You can have more than one Parent associated with the document subscription.

The reporting area is located within the Smarter SMSF Document Platform, so log in and follow these instructions:

1.  Go to the Smarter SMSF website:, then from the top menu select 'Login' and then 'Platform Login'.

2. Enter your login details and click on the 'Log in' button.

3. You are now logged into the Smarter SMSF Document Platform and have arrived at the Dashboard. Select 'Admin Console' .

4. The screen opens at the 'Account Order History' screen and defaults to the 'User Manager' and the 'Saved Orders' default document tab.

The screen displays your Company name. If you are using BGL360 the Firm Shortcode Name will link your client data across from BGL into the Smarter Document Platform. A list of associated staff who have access to ordering documents and their email is displayed. The table lists associated Roles - 'Parent' (Admin/Mgr) and 'Child' (Staff). The Parent role provides the ability to view document orders, who in the business created the document, who saved the document order, and list any completed (submitted) document orders. Remember, there can be more than one Parent Role in a business. 

5. Within the 'Saved Orders' tab, click the green cross 'Plus' icon to expand the view of all the 'Saved orders' that are associated with the staff member who has created, and then saved a document order. The Manager/ Administrator 'Parent' has the option to sign off and then submit the document order.

New Beta Admin Console

6. To access the New Beta Admin Console, from the Dashboard select 'Documents' and 'Create New Beta'.

7. From the left menu select 'Admin Console'.

8. The screen opens at the 'Account Order History' screen and defaults to the 'User Manager' and the 'Saved Orders' default document tab.

9. Select the 'Usage Report'. The Usage Report displays your subscription information including Subscription Date, Renewal Date and Anniversary Date. The Subscription Type, Create document counter, document numbers created and the amount of documents remaining are displayed.

NOTE: The next series of screens are the same set of screens as the original document platform Admin Console.

10. Select the 'Completed Orders' tab to view a list of all the staff members who have submitted/completed document orders through the Smarter Platform. The Roles of the staff members are also indicated.

11. Select the 'Plus' green icon next to the relevant staff member to view all the 'Completed' document orders the staff member has created and submitted. 

12. From the View ' PDF document' icon click to open a copy of the completed ordered document, to be viewed or printed. Useful if a team member is absent from the office.

13. 'The User Management' and the 'Invited' tabs currently display the 'Roles' and team members who have been added to the reporting functionality. Note: Any additional team members can only be added by Smarter SMSF. Please request additional or removal of team members via Smarter SMSF. This guide will be updated when the functionality becomes available for a business to add or remove their own team members.

14. The 'User Report'  is a Dashboard for the document subscription. The details of the document subscription include the Subscription Date of commencement, the Subscription Renewal Date (depending on monthly or yearly premium), the Subscription Anniversary Date, when the next subscription premium is due and the document counter will reset back to zero. The Subscription Type, the Create Counter indicates how many documents were purchased with the Subscription. The Document Created totals how many documents the team has generated since the last Subscription Anniversary Date. The Document Remaining displays how many documents remain available to be ordered from the total purchased at the last Subscription Anniversary Date.

15. The Company Report tab displays an Individual Counter for team members who have ordered a document. 

16. The Usage Report tab allows for the search and display of the User (team member's name), the Document type, a Start Date, and an End Date. A table is created with information listing the User's Email, the Type of documents that have been ordered and the Date of document order.

Support for the Reporting and User listing

If you need any support regarding the User Management section to add or remove team members and listing their Role type, please get in contact with us in any of the following ways:

  • By telephone on 1300 95 94 76
  • By emailing us at (NB. This will log a ticket to deal with your enquiry).
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