CSV Import - New SMSF Establishment

The Smarter SMSF CSV

This guide helps you create a CSV spreadsheet, populate it with client data, and then import the information into the Smarter Platform, targeting the New SMSF Establishment document. 

Smarter SMSF CSV import allows you to add client data to a specially designed spreadsheet and then import the information into the Smarter document platform, where you can select from several SMSF documents, map the fields, and then populate using your data. For example, if you have coded your spreadsheet with 5 rows of client data, the import CSV will create x5 saved orders for you to review and complete. 

The CSV import function has been designed for multiple purposes including (but not limited to):

  • Setting up a new Trustee Company and/or New SMSF - The CSV file allows you to map information from an external software source (e.g. Xero, CRM, etc) allowing you to map this data into the relevant Smarter SMSF form.  With a corporate trustee, you use the CSV import to map to the Special Purpose Company Incorporation, then use the DocFlows feature on the Smarter SMSF platform to automatically pass the data through to create the new SMSF and then complete the ABN/TFN order.
  • Bulk SMSF trust deed updates - use the CSV file to undertake a SMSF deed update project.  Populate the .csv file with multiple funds using your SMSF software, import via the Smarter CSV function, and map the relevant fields to create saved entries of the Deed of Variation for your funds.  Review each of the entries before submitting the document orders for completion.

CSV file extension stands for "comma-separated value” file, one of the most common outputs for any spreadsheet program. A comma-separated value file refers to a file where the data is input as data separated by commas.

During the process, the Smarter CSV import function will identify data mapping issues when importing to the chosen document fields. You can edit the data import fields and try again.

How to get started

1. Login to docs.smartersmsf.com

2. From the Dashboard page, select the CSV Import link from the menu.

3. The Home / CSV Import page displays the default Upload CSV file option.

4. The Select Form dropdown option provides a list of SMSF documents to choose from and populate with your spreadsheet data. In this example, a New SMSF Establishment document has been selected.

Data Mapping and background to use a CSV spreadsheet template

  • Source data refers to the data before mapping or importing to the selected SMSF document. Understanding the source data's structure, format, and content in your CSV spreadsheet is important for mapping your client data and the document fields (refer to steps 5 - 9 below).
  • Target data is where your data needs to end up. The target, or destination, data will be mapped and populated in the fields of the chosen document form (refer to steps 10 - 14 below).
  • Data elements are the fields and their type options within the selected destination document. An important part of data mapping is identifying and mapping specific elements between your source and target data sets (refer to steps 15 - 16 below). 
  • Mapping rules answer the question, “What needs to happen?” Mapping rules define how each data element from the source CSV spreadsheet maps to corresponding elements in the target (refer to steps 17 - 22 below). 
  • Data transformation is where the processing occurs. There are hidden rules to specify how data should migrate during the data mapping process. Additionally, it's best practice to review the data entry for each Saved document order, before submitting and generating the document (refer to steps 23 - 34 below). 

Choose from our Smarter SMSF CSV spreadsheet template (Source data)

5.  If you don't have a CSV template, you can download from a range of Smarter SMSF blank templates. Once downloaded, you can manually populate these spreadsheets with your data and save them for future coding. When you have filled out the spreadsheet with your client information, your populated spreadsheet can be imported to fill out the Select Form chosen document. 

6. Select the Click Here link to access a series of Smarter SMSF blank spreadsheet - templates.

7. The Select CSV Template drop-down option expands and provides a list of blank CSV templates. For our example, select New SMSF Establishment.

8. Click the Download Sample Template button.

9. This is an example of the New SMSF Establishment template. Populate the multiple-row fields with your client data and save the CSV template in an accessible location.

Import your source data to populate the selected Smarter SMSF document type (Target data)

10. Ensure the Select Form document type has been selected. Our example is the New SMSF Establishment. 

11. Click the Choose File button. 

12. Locate your completed - saved CSV file to import. Click the Open button.

13. Your file name will display as the chosen CSV file.

14. Click the Upload button.

Mapping the CSV data to the data fields of the selected document (Data elements)

The next step in the process is the  Column mapping of the CSV data. This is where your populated data from your CSV spreadsheet columns will be mapped into the various form fields, within the chosen SMSF document.

A table listing  All fields within the form appears on the left and the Column name drop-down options are to be populated with your spreadsheet data on the right.

15. Instead of moving down through each Column name to map against each All fields option, we have made the process more efficient by including an Auto Map button. 

16. All the Column name options match the All fields titles.

Review all the Column name fields to match the All fields (the Mapping Rules)

17. It is worth checking the Column name drop-down fields to search for any that have not changed to match the All fields. If any display the title Set Data Field, this is a result of no data originally populated in your CSV spreadsheet column. 

18. The Column name was not answered in your CSV spreadsheet.

19. You could go back to your spreadsheet and enter the data into the Column fields and import again, however, if there are only a small number of Set Data Field displayed, it might be easier to answer the question within the answer field, once you are reviewing the Saved document.

20. Click the Import button.

21. The system may display a reminder of the unanswered Column name field. Click the OK button to proceed. 

22. The Done! option indicates the data has successfully populated the various fields within the chosen SMSF document. In our example, it is the New SMSF Establishment. The system will also now direct you to the Saved Orders table.

Review your data entry for each of the Saved Document orders (Data transformation)

The Saved Orders table now displays two Saved Documents. The Company Incorporation - Special Purpose were each populated from our CSV spreadsheet file containing information for two funds. 

23. Review each Saved Document order and answer the field question Does the Fund want to qualify for QROPS status. as the Set Data Field was left unanswered.

24. Select the Actions button then Resume for the document to be reviewed.

25. Answer any field questions left unanswered, once you have imported your data.

26. After working through the document form and checking each field is correctly answered, you can Save the document and return it at a later time or select the Next button to continue.

27. A review summary page displays the data entered for each field. 

28. When you are confident the document is ready to be submitted, select the Place Order button. The document will now move to the Completed Orders table.

29. Repeat the process of review for the next Saved Document. Select the Actions and Resume option.

Saving and using your Template type

You can use your Saved Template type to import data. 

30. After selecting the Select Form type and choosing your CSV fileUpload the data.

31. Auto Map the data. 

32. Scroll down the page and select the Save Template button.

33. Give the Template a name and click the Save button. 

34. The next time you enter the CSV Import area, select the Select Form document and Choose your CSV file. From within the Column mapping page click the Select Template dropdown option to select your saved template.

35. Click the Use button.

36. The Auto Map will update the Column name based on your saved CSV template.

Got any questions, or having any problems with your CSV import?

If you need any support contact with us in any of the following ways:

  • By telephone on 1300 95 94 76
  • By email us at support@smartersmsf.com (NB. this will log a ticket to deal with your enquiry)

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