Member CPD/CPE hours allocation - structured and unstructured

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is essential for professionals seeking to maintain and grow their expertise. This help article explains the key differences between structured and unstructured CPE hours and provides guidance on accredited vs. non-accredited activities to help you stay compliant with your professional requirements.

Smarter SMSF throughout the year provides a range of CPD accredited training for members are other professionals to attend, which include:

  • SMSF Masterclasses - delivered online and available for CPD members to access as part of your subscription.  All others can purchase to attend to obtain accredited CPD/CPE hours.
  • SMSF Webinars - delivered online and available for CPD members to be awarded structured and accredited CPD hours for the event.  Non-members may be able to attend some of these events, however where no fee has been paid to attend, these hours are non-accredited and will only count as unstructured for CPD purposes.

What Are Structured CPD/CPE hours?

Structured CPD/CPE hours involve activities with clear objectives and a logical framework designed to achieve specific educational outcomes. These are typically planned and provide measurable learning benefits and include (but are not are not limited to):

  • Conferences and Events: Such as the SMSF Day events hosted by Smarter SMSF, where participants engage in targeted learning.
  • Professional Training: CPE programs from accredited providers like Smarter SMSF and their available CPD subscriptions.
  • Employer-Provided Training: Formal in-house sessions tailored to job-specific roles (which Smarter SMSF offer).
  • Endorsed Discussion Groups: Organised and approved by professional associations.
  • Formal Courses of Study: Programs offered by educational institutions or professional bodies (e.g. CA/CPA program).

What Are Unstructured CPD/CPE Hours?

Unstructured CPD/CPE hours are self-directed activities without predefined learning objectives or external assessment. These allow for flexible learning tailored to individual interests.  Examples include:

  • Reading or Listening: Technical articles, whitepapers, or podcasts.
  • Research and Writing: Creating technical papers or conducting industry-relevant research.
  • Regulatory Updates: Informal sessions on policy changes and industry updates.

Accredited vs. Non-Accredited CPE Hours

Accredited CPE Hours

Accredited activities are formally reviewed to ensure they meet specific standards regarding content, format, and duration. These focus on key professional knowledge areas and provide unlimited allocation opportunities within a compliance period.

  • SMSF Association-endorsed activities (including participation in committees, etc).
  • Programs from accredited providers like Smarter SMSF.

Non-Accredited CPE Hours

Non-accredited activities are less formal and not reviewed by accrediting bodies. While valuable in your ongoing learning, these hours are typically subject to allocation limits.

  • Educational events from other organisations.
  • Professional reading (e.g., this may be capped annually or tri-annually).

NB. In the SMSF Association framework, non-accredited activities are capped at 30 hours per triennium.

SMSF Association Members: CPE Requirements

The SMSF Association specifies the following minimum requirements:

  • Specialist Members: 90 CPD hours every triennium, with at least 25 hours annually (1 July – 30 June).
  • Associate Members: 60 hours triennially, with at least 15 hours annually.

Professionals must ensure their activities align with these thresholds and category limits.

Key Knowledge Areas

CPE activities must align with specific knowledge areas, including SMSF and Superannuation, Practice Management, Ethics, Life Insurance, Securities, Managed Investments, General Insurance, Deposit Products

Practical Example: Meeting CPE Requirements

Let’s consider Andrew, an SMSF Specialist Advisor (SSA), with a triennium spanning from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025. Here’s how Andrew fulfills his requirements:

Andrew’s Activities:

  • Attends SMSF Association National Conference [2023] – 15 CPD hours (S)
  • Conducts – 20+ hours of professional reading – 15 hours capped (U)
  • Attends 1 x local community CPD event [2024] – 1 hour (S) or (U)
  • Attends 1 x local community CPD event [2023] – 1 hour (S) or (U)
  • Attends SMSF Day 2025 – 8 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends 1 x SMSF masterclass [2025] – 4 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends 3 x SMSF masterclasses [2024] – 12 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends 2 x SMSF masterclasses [2023] – 8 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends Smarter SMSF CPD webinars [2025] – 5.5 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends Smarter SMSF CPD webinars [2024] – 11 CPD hours (S)
  • Attends Smarter SMSF CPD webinars [2023] – 11 CPD hours (S)

Total Breakdown:

  • Accredited Hours: 74.5 (minimum required: 60)
  • Non-Accredited Hours: 17 (capped at 30)
  • Total Hours: 91.5 (minimum required: 90)

By leveraging resources like Smarter SMSF CPD subscriptions, Andrew has exceeded his minimum CPD requirements using a mix of accredited and non-accredited activities.

Additional Resources:

For more information on accredited CPD providers, visit the SMSF Association Accredited CPD Providers.

By understanding the differences between structured and unstructured hours and utilising accredited resources, you can confidently meet your CPD/CPE requirements and continue to grow you and your team's SMSF knowledge.


You can watch our recent webinar (December 2024) that explains the differences between structured and unstructured CPD/CPE hours and how Smarter SMSF will provide accredited CPD hours for members that have either CPD Regular or CPD Business (incl. listed additional team members)


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